How on earth...?

It’s been almost seven years since I started ‘Emerson Write’. Here’s how it happened.

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The write answer

If you’re looking for a simple, enjoyable way to slow things down, a daily write could be the answer.

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The Christmas books

I read somewhere that Russian women used to a carry a ‘perhaps bag’, an extra in case they bought or were given something they needed to stow away. I have a ‘perhaps shelf’.

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Reading the seasons: autumn

For me, this is the new year, the turn of time that I have been waiting for. Cold, clear days of yellow leaves and berries. Storms and rain. Woodsmoke and peace.

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Reading the seasons: summer

We have just passed the longest day of the year. Last week saw dire warnings about UV levels, pollen and sunstroke throbbing away in the news. Now, there is a breeze and cool, delicious rain is falling…

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Snow queen

The thing is, not all of us run hot. I certainly don’t. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been excited by winter. It has a quieter beauty than the rest of the year, and it feels like a refuge.

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Cleaning up

You know how you come into a house that’s just been professionally cleaned, and it looks better than you’ve ever managed to get it? That’s what a good writer will do with your project.

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Blue and white life

A friend once said to me, ‘Everything will be alright once I have my blue and white life’.

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The quick brown fox…

When it comes to typefaces, I find that I want something firm, and plain, with a little hint of vintage.

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"twelve yellow apples"

Lately, I’ve fallen in love with the countryside all over again. I never fell out of love with it, but for a long time, I had an on-again, off-again affair with cities and towns. Exciting, thrilling, but I never felt that I was truly home

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On meaning, means and being mean

What does being a writer boil down to? For me, it’s about three things: thinking clearly, sorting out your finances and, last (but definitely not least), being kind. This is how it looks.

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